Ramon Magsaysay

Ramon Magsaysay

Second President
Third Philippine Republic
August 31, 1907 - March 17, 1957

        The third president of the Republic. Most popular of all Philippine Presidents, he was very close to the people and instituted many social reforms. During the Japanese invasion, he was a guerilla fighter in Zambales. After the liberation, General Douglas MacArthur promoted him to major. In 1946 and 1949, he was elected twice as a representative in Zambales. In 1950, he was appointed the secretary of national defense. In 1953, he won by a landslide for presidency. He opened the Malacanang Palace to the people. He was instrumental in acquiring land settlements for the people, lowering the price of consumer goods, and breaking up the big landed estates. At 50, he died in a plane crash on Mount Manunggal in Cebu.

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